Protection of a gas pipeline from erosion (Yemen)

Transporting gas from the Marib’ deposits in the middle of the country to Bahlaf on the coast of the Gulf of Aden, a YEMEN LNG “pipe” runs across almost 320 kilometres of sandy, stony and occasionally very mountainous deserts.

A 5 km section, permitting the passage from a high plateau reaching up to an altitude of 1,700 m to a plain lying 800 m below, is subject to hard geotechnical conditions: surrounded by high dolomitic cliffs where occasionally massive rockfalls occur, and located in a barely stable slope, this section also crosses over a series of oueds that, during the monsoon season, erode everything lying in their path.

Following an expertise/diagnostic assignment carried out in 2010 concerning the damages related to this torrential erosion, TERRASOL was once again called on by TOTAL in March 2012, this time to second a TERRASOL engineer on site for a one month period. His assignments were:

  • An expert assessment of all the redevelopment works carried out to date,
  • Supervision of works on a gabion and rockfill hydraulic structure.

Terrasol’s achievements:

  • Disorder diagnostic
  • Expertise of works already achieved
  • Supervision of reinforcement works
PERIOD :  2010-2012
Client : TOTAL
Main specifications :  

  • Natural gas pipeline 320 km long