You will find here the answers to some of the common questions on our software. If you do not find what you are looking for, you may contact us at

Question 1 : Installation : silent mode

It is possible to use Terrasol installers in silent mode (no questions are asked  but the progress of the installation is visible on the screen) or very licentious mode (absolutely nothing is displayed in this mode).

  • Software installation: download the installation file of the software to be installed from our Catalogue.
    Two commands are possible:

{filename_to_run} /silent
{filename_to_run} /verysilent


When silent or very silent mode is used, the Thales Runtime and Java are not installed.
It is therefore possible to install all Terrasol software one after the other without any problem.

{filename_to_run} -i -nomsg


MsiExec.exe /i amazon-corretto-8.x.y.z-windows-x64-jre.msi /qn


You need to replace x/y/z with the correct version number to match the freshly downloaded file.
It is the final /qn switch that determines the silent launch.

Question 2 : FOXTA V4 – Negative friction

The Tasneg module was voluntarily not included in the Foxta suite because it implemented the Combarieu method which is no longer standardised (in the sense of NF P 94-262). Foxta v4 proposes to estimate and integrate the effect of negative friction on a deep foundation via the Taspie+ module. This module allows to evaluate the negative friction and its effect throughout the deep foundation via the resolution of the axial equilibrium of the soil-pile assembly. For more information, the Taspie+ presentation illustrates all theoretical aspects:

Question 3 : K-REA V4 : When activating a strut as the single action in a given phase, the results mention a non-convergence for this phase. Is it normal ?

In K-REA, the action “strut installation” generates no modification of the wall equilibrium. K-REA then displays a non-convergence which only means that the results for this phase are exactly the same as the results for the previous phase (this is valid only if the strut installation is the only action in the phase).

Question 4 : K-REA V4 : Why does an anchor have no effect on the results of the installation phase ?

When installation an anchor with no prestress force, the anchor will start working only from the next phase, because only the prestress force is taken into account in the installation phase of the anchor (the anchor stiffness is activated in the next phase).

Question 5 : K-REA V4 : The wizard’s display is troncated. What can I do ?

To solve this case, please, check the following steps :
– right click on the desktop,
– personalize,
– display : the size of the text and different items set to 100%.
If 100% is already defined :
– change the size to 125%, validate and
– change again the size to 100% and validate

Note :  modifying this parameter modifies also the icons’ order of the desktop display.

Question 6 : K-Réa v4 : Les résultats d’une phase donnée dépendent-ils des phases antérieures ?

Oui, les résultats obtenus dans une phase de calcul dépendent des phases antérieures.
Le choix de la cinématique du phasage peut avoir une influence significative sur les résultats, notamment du fait des non linéarités liées à plastification du sol et à l’évolution de la rigidité de l’écran et de ses ancrages au cours du phasage.

De manière générale, il est recommandé de définir le phasage au plus près de la réalité, en le décomposant au maximum et en évitant de définir dans une même phase, pour un côté et un écran donné, des actions ayant des effets opposés (i.e. remblaiement suivi d’une excavation).

Question 7 : K-Réa v4 : Intérêt de la vérification de l’équilibre vertical ?

La vérification de l’équilibre vertical consiste à estimer la résultante verticale des efforts appliqués sur l’écran, et à vérifier son orientation (vers le haut si la résultante est négative, ou vers le bas si sa valeur est positive).

La résultante verticale des efforts, si elle est orientée vers le bas, sert de paramètre d’entrée pour vérifier la portance du sol en pied d’écran (à l’aide de modèles de calcul spécifique non intégrés à K-Réa).

Cette vérification permet également de juger de la pertinence des valeurs considérées pour les inclinaisons de poussée/butée. Une résultante orientée vers le haut n’est pas réaliste.

Question 8 : K-Réa v4 : Champ d’application et limitations ?

K-Réa permet d’étudier le comportement des écrans de soutènement plans ou circulaires soumis à une série de phases de construction par la méthode de calcul aux coefficients de réaction. Il permet d’analyser 2 types de projets : écran simple ou double-écran.

K-Réa ne vérifie pas la stabilité générale des talus ou risbermes définis dans un projet via les actions « Excavation » ou « Remblaiement ». Une telle vérification relève de la responsabilité de l’utilisateur et doit être préalablement réalisée par un modèle adapté (par exemple à l’aide de Talren v5).

Dans le cas d’un projet double-écran, les interactions entre les deux écrans se font uniquement à travers les ancrages liaisons (liaison linéique ou surfacique). K-Réa ne considère aucune interaction entre les 2 écrans via le massif de sol qui les sépare.

Question 9 : I get trouble when I run Talren after the v5.2.2 update

The update of Talren v5.2.2 needs a Java environement version 8 – 32 bit. Java 6 and 7 are not supported anymore and need be updated. So you could download the following installer : Java 8 update 121.

If this installation doesn’t solve your problem, could you re-install the sofware completely. Please download the installer and if the problem still occurs, contact us or your local agent.

Question 10 : Windows 10 : Font size too small

Display management has changed in the latest editions of Windows 10. This evolution affects the display of Talren and Foxta. In order to avoid this inconvenience, you can perform the following operations:

1 – Locate the Java installation directory used by your software in the Terrasol software log files:

These log files can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Terrasol\{name of the software}\log

– Open the most recent logxxx.txt file , with the Notebook

– Locate the following entry : Java home

This entry indicates the installation directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jrexxx (distributed by Oracle)


C:\Program Files\Amazon Corretto\jrexxx (distributed by Amazon)

2 – Open the directory Java used by the software

3 – Open the jrexxxx\bin\ subdirectory

4 – Right-click the Javaw.exe file

5 – Click on the Properties menu

6 – Display the Compatibility tab

7 – Area Parameters, settings  Replace the high PPP scaling behavior chek box

8 – Drop-down list, select System (and not “advanced”)

9 – Validate

xxx indicate the Java version

Question 11 : I get trouble when I run Foxta after the v3.2.12 update

The update of Foxta v3.2.12 needs a Java environement version 8 – 32 bit. Java 6 and 7 are not supported anymore and need be updated. So you could download the following installer : Java 8 update 121.

If this installation doesn’t solve your problem, could you re-install the sofware completely. Please download the installer and if the problem still occurs, contact us or your local agent.

Question 12 : I’ve just installed Plaxis software and Terrasol software hardlock doesn’t work anymore. What should I do ?

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 14 : After following the detailed procedure, ‘clients’ do not see the network hardlock. How can I solve this problem?

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 15 : Network software license activation

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 16 : Is it possible to connect to the network hardlock from a different office ?

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 18 : INSTALLATION – I am looking to install Terrasol software on Windows 10®. Which key drivers should I use?

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 19 : I need to create a c2v file to Terrasol software

If you have any questions regarding the activation of Terrasol keys, please consult the web pages Licenses key.

Question 20 : Foxta v3 et Talren v5 : the font size is too small

With a Windows 10 operating system and a high scale update, thank you to contact us at